30 11, 2022

Advent & Christmas Schedule-St. George’s Cathedral 2022

2022-11-30T15:26:27+02:00November 30th, 2022|Diocesan, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers, Sermons and papers|

15 11, 2022

Bishop Hosam Naoum prays at All Saints Pasedena, California.

2022-12-12T09:20:47+02:00November 15th, 2022|Diocesan, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows Bishop Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, continued his visit to the Diocese of Los Angeles, accompanied by his wife Rafa Qafiti Naoum, and Rev’d Canon Don Binder, his Chaplain. On Sunday November 13th 2022, he began his day by talking at the All Saints Pasedena Formation Hour before the service. In his talk he introduced the ministry of the Diocese of Jerusalem, in both its parishes and institutions, highlighting the geopolitical challenges , and the ministry opportunities, especially in the five areas of the Diocese, bringing the Formation Hour to a close by answering people’s questions. [...]

8 11, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum participates in the dedication of the new Altar at Lichfield Cathedral in the United Kingdom.

2022-11-11T11:50:14+02:00November 8th, 2022|Diocesan, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, participated in the Solemn Eucharist at the Lichfield Cathedral in the United Kingdom, on Monday Evening November 7th, 2022. Bishop Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield, presided over the Service. Dean Adrian Dorber, the Dean of the Cathedral, and a number of bishops, priests, and deacons participated in the Service. The Service was to dedicate the new Altar at the new Shrine of St. Chad at the Cathedral, in preparation to receive some of the Saint’s Relics. During the service, Archbishop Naoum participated in blessing the icons. He also [...]

7 11, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum makes a pilgrimage to Coventry Cathedral in the United Kingdom.

2022-11-11T11:02:47+02:00November 7th, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, his wife Rafa and Chaplain Don Binder make a pilgrimage to Coventry Cathedral, UK, on Monday November 7th, 2022. This was a very good visit with Bishop John Stroyan of Warwick and Dean John Witcombe and some members of the Cathedral Staff to discuss future mutual cooperation in and around the ministry of Reconciliation. The Diocese of Jerusalem and Coventry Cathedral have had a link since the 1950s. Jerusalem and Coventry looked at ways in which to renew this longstanding partnership and deepen relationships. They also prayed together for peace and Justice around [...]

22 05, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum administers the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Andrew’s Church in Ramallah.

2022-06-07T12:29:26+03:00May 22nd, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes, Prayers, Sermons and papers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Jerusalem – The Media Office – The Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem 22/5/ 2022 Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Eucharist on the sixth Sunday of Easter, at St. Andrew’s Church in Ramallah, assisted by Rev’d Fadi Diab, the rector of the parish, and Rev’d Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop's Chaplain, in the presence of a congregation of parishioners, and vestry members, on Sunday May 22, 2022. After the sermon, Bishop Naoum administered the Sacrament of Confirmation by the Laying of Hands and anointing the confimands with Chrism Oil, which was consecrated [...]

29 04, 2022

The Bishops and clergy of the Anglican/ Episcopal Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East and their spouses visit the Baptismal Site and Mount Nebo.

2022-04-29T11:57:11+03:00April 29th, 2022|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ During the Provincial Clergy and Spouses Conference, for the Anglican/ Episcopal Province of Jerusalem and the Middle East, that took place at the Dead Sea, Jordan. The participants visited historic religious sites on Wednesday April 27th, 2022. There, Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the service of Renewal of Baptismal Vows at the Jordan River (Bethany), at the site where Jesus was baptized by John the Baptist. Bishop Naoum, accompanied by all present, visited the piece of land that was gifted by His Majesty King Abdullah II to the Anglican Diocese of [...]

15 04, 2022

Chrism Mass at St. George’s Cathedral, including the renewal of ordination vows and the blessing of the oils- 14 April, 2022. خدمة الشركة المقدسة ليوم خميس الاسرار وتجديد نذور الكهنوت ومباركة الزيوت.

2022-04-22T12:06:28+03:00April 15th, 2022|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers|

14 04, 2022

Maundy Thursday and foot-washing Service at the Anglican Cathedral in Jerusalem. خدمة خميس الأسرار وغسل الارجل في كاثدرائية القديس جورج في القدس.

2022-04-22T11:04:35+03:00April 14th, 2022|Diocesan, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers|

10 12, 2021

An evening of Advent and Christmas hymns and meditations by Rev’d Canon Fuad Dagher.

2021-12-23T12:40:43+02:00December 10th, 2021|Diocesan, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ With participation from the Arabic and English speaking congregations at St. George's Cathedral, and the family of St. George’s school - Jerusalem. أمسية ميلادية مع القس الكنن فؤاد داغر تخللها التأملات والصلوات مع الرعيتين العربية والاجنبية وأسرة مدرسة المطران في القدس.

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