20 03, 2024

خدمة أربعاء الرماد (شرقي) في كنيسة القديس يوحنا المعمدان في الحصن

2024-05-31T09:50:01+03:00March 20th, 2024|Diocesan, Parishes, Prayers|

ترأس المطران حسام نعوم، رئيس الأساقفة الأنجليكاني في القدس، خدمة الشركة المقدسة لأربعاء الرماد في كنيسة القديس يوحنا المعمدان في الحصن بحضور رعية القديسة مريم العذراء في إربد وكل من القس الكنن سمير اسعيد وراعي الكنيسة القس إبراهيم نيروز. خلال الخدمة تم رسم إشارة الصليب بالرماد على جباه المصلين علامة التوبة وبداية زمن الصوم الأربعيني الكبير. وفي عظته شدد المطران نعوم على أهمية التوبة الحقيقية والتقرب إلى الله من خلال الصلاة والصوم والصدقة. وكما وشرح عن اهمية المصالحة مع الله والقريب من خلال العيش الحقيقي تحت اقدام الصليب الذي من خلاله فدى الرب يسوع العالمين. وتمنى الأسقف للجميع صومًا مباركًا [...]

30 11, 2023

Archbishop Hosam Naoum’s Pastoral letter and Advent Appeal.

2023-12-01T11:59:05+02:00November 30th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

Archbishop Hosam Naoum’s Pastoral letter and Advent Appeal You can download the Daily Meditations Booklet by following this link: https://tinyurl.com/ENGMBooklet You can also download a printable version of the Booklet by following this link: https://tinyurl.com/ENGMPrint Also, the daily meditations will be shared on the social media pages of Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the Facebook page of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem on a daily basis. How can I help in drawing a smile on the faces of children during the season of Christmas? You can donate through our partners in ministry: Australia • Anglican Board of Mission http://abmission.org/.../al-ahli-hospital-emergency-appeal Anglican Overseas [...]

21 09, 2023

رئيس الأساقفة حسام نعوم يجتمع مع كهنته رعاة المطرانية في نزل مار أندراوس في رام الله.

2023-10-09T10:32:55+03:00September 21st, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

اجتمع رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني في القدس المطران حسام نعوم مع رعاة كنائس المطرانية الأسقفية الأنچليكانية القادمين من القدس والضّفة الغربيّة والأردن وإسرائيل، لمدة ثلاثة أيام من 11-13 أيلول سبتمبر 2023، في نزل القديس اندراوس التابع للمركز الأسقفي للتّكنولوجيا والتّدريب المهني في رام الله. وشارك البعض من الاردن ولبنان عبر الانترنت. افتتح رئيس الأساقفة نعوم برنامج الاجتماعات بالإحتفال بخدمة الشّركة المقدّسة في كنيسة الراعي الصالح داخل المركز. وتخلّل لقاء الرّعاة الصّلوات والتّرانيم وجلسات حواريّة حول مواضيع عديدة تتعلّق بالخدمة والقوانين الكنسية والأحوال الشخصيّة. حيث قدّم المطران نعوم تأمّلاً عن انجيل تهدئة العاصفة (مرقس 4: 35-41) ثمّ شارك الرعاة كلّ بدوره بآية [...]

16 09, 2023

Archbishop Hosam Naoum administers the Sacrament of Confirmation at St. Paul’s Church – Al Ashrafieh in Amman.

2023-09-19T10:59:18+03:00September 16th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Eucharist at St. Paul’s Church in Al Ashrafieh – Amman Jordan, on Sunday morning September 3rd 2023. Rev’d George Kopti, and his wife Mary, Rev’d Jamil Monir Khader, and his wife Sandy, members of the vestry, and members of the parish attended the service. In the service, Bishop Naoum confirmed a group of adolescents from the congregation of St. Paul’s Church, and from St. Luke’s Church – Marka, and the Savior Church - Zarqa. Rev’d Kopti welcomed Archbishop Naoum and all who were present. In his [...]

10 07, 2023

Archbishop Hosam Naoum celebrates the Holy Eucharist and preaches on the 5th Sunday after Trinity at All Saints Anglican/Episcopal Church, Beirut, Lebanon.

2023-08-24T12:33:44+03:00July 10th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic follows The Archbishop was accompanied by his Rafa Naoum and Canon Fuad Dagher and Ms. Hana Dagher. Many thanks to Archdeacon Imad M. Zoorob and his wife Hind Zoorob and the congregations at All Saints for their gracious welcome and hospitality. الاحتفال بالشركة المقدسة وخدمة الوعظ للأحد الخامس بعد عيد الثالوث الأقدس في كنيسة جميع القديسين في بيروت-لبنان. الشكر للقس الآرشديكن عماد زعرب وزوجته هند والرعية الحبيبة على حسن استقبالهم ومحبتهم،،، حيث شارك رئيس الأساقفة في زيارته لبيروت عقيلته رفاء قفعيتي نعوم والقس الكنن فؤاد والسيدة هناء داغر.

8 06, 2023

كنيسة المخلّص الأسقفيّة في كفر ياسيف تحتفل بخدمة التثبيت بحضور رئيس الأساقفة حسام نعوم 

2023-06-09T11:39:02+03:00June 8th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

ترأس رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني في القدس ومترئّس الإقليم المطران حسام نعوم خدمة الشّركة المقدّسة الإحتفاليّة في كنيسة المخلّص الأنچليكانيّة الأسقفيّة في كفر ياسيف، عشيّة عيد العنصرة حسب التقويم الشّرقي التي تسير بحسبه كنائس البلدة، وذلك مساء يوم السبت 3/6/2023. عاونه كاهن الرعيّة القس بلال حبيبي بحضور القس حنا دله والقس الكنن وديع الفار وجمع غفير من الرعيّة وأصدقائها، حيث قام المطران بمنح سرّ التثبيت لمجموعة من الفتيان والفتيات، والبركة الرسوليّة لعدد آخر، كان قد حضّر مجموعة التثبيت راعي الكنيسة بمساعدة السّيدة لينا حبيبي وآخرين من فريق الخدمة. رحّب القس حبيبي بالمطران نعوم ووجه كلمة تشجيعيّة للالتزام في الكنيسة. وقاد التّرانيم [...]

21 05, 2023

المطران حسام نعوم يحتفل بخدمة التثبيت للرعيّة الأجنبيّة في عمان 

2023-05-24T12:40:50+03:00May 21st, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

ترأس المطران حسام نعوم رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني في القدس ومترئّس الإقليم خدمة الشّركة المقدّسة للرعيّة الأجنبيّة في كنيسة الفادي على جبل عمان، بمشاركة القس مالكولم فورست كاهن الرعيّة الأجنبيّة والقس الكنن فائق حداد كاهن الرعية العربيّة والقس الكنن دون بيندر وبحضور الرعيّة الأجنبيّة المقيمة في عمان، وذلك مساء يوم السبت 20/5/2023. حيث منح المطران نعوم سرّ التّثبيت لثلاثة من أفراد الرعيّة. وقد تمحورت عظة رئيس الأساقفة حول ثلاثة نقاط التي تحدث فيها عن الخط اللاهوتي الذي يجمع بين سفر صموئيل الأول ودعوته وبين الإصحاح الثاني عشر من رسالة رومية والدعوة للتغيير، وإنجيل القديس لوقا الاصحاح الرابع، حين قرأ الرّب يسوع [...]

24 03, 2023

An evening of reflections and hymns at St. Philip’s Church in Nablus attended by Archbishop Hosam Naoum.

2023-03-27T09:10:15+03:00March 24th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows Under the invitation of Rev’d Jamil Maher Khader, the Rector of the parish in Nablus, Rev’d Canon Fuad Dagher held an Evening of hymns during the season of Lent titled “No Greater Love.” The evening was attended by Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, the clergy spouses and members of the St. Philip’s Church in Nablus and the Good Shepherd Church in Rafedia, on Friday Evening March 24th, 2023. Rev’d Khadir started the evening with some words of welcome, and then Bishop Naoum gave an opening prayer, asking for God’s blessings for all during the [...]

24 03, 2023

The ladies of St. Peter’s in Beir Zait and St. Andrew’s in Ramallah host a meeting under the patronage of Archbishop and Mrs Naoum at St. Peter’s home in Beir Zait

2023-03-27T08:52:56+03:00March 24th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows To celebrate Mother’s Day, Rev’d Fadi Diab and Mrs Ruba Gammoh Diab invited his Grace Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, and Mrs Rafa Qafiti Naoum to participate in a special event for the ladies of the St. Peter’s Church in Beir Zait, and St. Andrew’s Church in Ramallah on Friday Morning March 24th, 2023, at St. Peter’s home next to the Church in Beir Zait. The event was attended by Mrs Diana Al Sayej, the Mayor of Beir Zait, and the ladies and vestry members of both parishes. Mrs Diab gave a welcoming speech, [...]

4 03, 2023

Statement by the House of the Clergy in the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem on the Teaching of Christian Marriage (Lent 2023).

2023-03-06T08:23:34+02:00March 4th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

30 01, 2023

St. Paul’s Church in Shefa-Amr marks the beginning of its celebrations for its 150th anniversary in the presence of Archbishop Hosam Naoum.

2023-01-31T10:45:01+02:00January 30th, 2023|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows In an atmosphere filled with joy and faith, Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Eucharist at his home parish, St. Paul Anglican Church, in Shefa-Amr celebrating the Feast of the Conversion of St. Paul, and marking the beginning of the year of Jubilee, marking the 150th anniversary of the dedication of the Church, on Saturday Evening January 28th, 2023. He was assisted by Rev’d Canon Fuad Dagher, the Vicar of the parish, who welcomed Archbishop Naoum, and Mrs. Rafa Qafiti Naoum his wife, and all who were present at the service, in [...]

20 12, 2022

The beginning of a new Anglican pastoral ministry in the city of Fuheis.

2023-01-03T11:48:50+02:00December 20th, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes, Sermons and papers|

Arabic Article Follows Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Eucharist on the Fourth Sunday in Advent at the beginning of the new Anglican pastoral ministry in Fuheis on Sunday December 18th, 2022. Rev’d Ibrahim Nairous, responsible for the new ministry, and a group of Diocesan Clergy participated in the service. The service was attended by Anglican parishioners from Fuheis and from different congregations in Jordan. Bishop Naoum thanked the committee that was responsible for arranging the ministry and contacting the Anglican families who live in Fuheis. In his sermon, Bishop Naoum said: “today we witness [...]

11 12, 2022

The Third Sunday of Advent Service at St. George’s Anglican Cathedral-Jerusalem.

2022-12-23T10:08:03+02:00December 11th, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Eucharist on the Third Sunday of Advent (Rejoicing Sunday), on December 11th, 2022. The Advent Wreath candles were lit by our partners from the Evangelical Mission in Solidarity (EMS) from Germany. Rev’d Canon Wadie Far, Rev’d Canon Don Binder, and Dean Richard Sewell assisted Bishop Naoum in the service, while Bishop Martin Field proclaimed the Gospel. Archbishop Linda Nicholls, the Primate of Canada, preached at the service. Immediately after the service the Annual Christmas Bazaar was opened at the St. George’s Guest House. The proceeds from [...]

30 11, 2022

Advent & Christmas Schedule-St. George’s Cathedral 2022

2022-11-30T15:26:27+02:00November 30th, 2022|Diocesan, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers, Sermons and papers|

27 11, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum presides over the Eucharist at All Saints Episcopal Church Beirut.

2022-12-12T10:42:51+02:00November 27th, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes, Parishes, Sermons and papers|

Arabic Article Follows Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Eucharist on the First Sunday in Advent at All Saints Episcopal Church in Beirut- Lebanon on Sunday November 27th, 2022. He was assisted by Archdeacon Imad Zorob, the rector of the parish, who welcomed the Archbishop and expressed how happy he was with this pastoral visit. Mrs. Hind Zorob, the Rector’s wife, the vestry and both Arabic and English speaking congregations attended the service. In the service, the first candle in the Advent Wreath was lit. This candle is called the candle of hope. In his [...]

8 11, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum participates in the dedication of the new Altar at Lichfield Cathedral in the United Kingdom.

2022-11-11T11:50:14+02:00November 8th, 2022|Diocesan, Interfaith, Parishes, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, participated in the Solemn Eucharist at the Lichfield Cathedral in the United Kingdom, on Monday Evening November 7th, 2022. Bishop Michael Ipgrave, Bishop of Lichfield, presided over the Service. Dean Adrian Dorber, the Dean of the Cathedral, and a number of bishops, priests, and deacons participated in the Service. The Service was to dedicate the new Altar at the new Shrine of St. Chad at the Cathedral, in preparation to receive some of the Saint’s Relics. During the service, Archbishop Naoum participated in blessing the icons. He also [...]

7 11, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum makes a pilgrimage to Coventry Cathedral in the United Kingdom.

2022-11-11T11:02:47+02:00November 7th, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes, Prayers|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, his wife Rafa and Chaplain Don Binder make a pilgrimage to Coventry Cathedral, UK, on Monday November 7th, 2022. This was a very good visit with Bishop John Stroyan of Warwick and Dean John Witcombe and some members of the Cathedral Staff to discuss future mutual cooperation in and around the ministry of Reconciliation. The Diocese of Jerusalem and Coventry Cathedral have had a link since the 1950s. Jerusalem and Coventry looked at ways in which to renew this longstanding partnership and deepen relationships. They also prayed together for peace and Justice around [...]

31 10, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum welcomes a group from Paulinenpflege from Germany and signs an agreement with them.

2022-11-11T10:21:04+02:00October 31st, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare, Parishes, Society|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, welcomed a group from Paulinenpflege at the Diocesan Offices on Reformation day Monday October 31st, 2022. In the meeting Archbishop Hosam Naoum representing the Diocese and Rev’d Andreas Maurer, CEO of Paulinenpflege, representing Paulinenpflege signed an agreement. This agreement is about supporting the ministry of the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt, through a part time position for Mr. Selmar Ehmann, who will work along side Rev’d Jamil Mounir Khader, the General Director of the Institute in Salt, especially in reviving and advancing the [...]

30 10, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum celebrates All Saints’ Sunday at Christ Church Nazareth.

2022-11-10T15:05:44+02:00October 30th, 2022|Diocesan, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the celebratory Eucharist on All Saints’ Sunday at Christ Anglican Church in Nazareth, marking the end of year long celebration for the 150th anniversary of the dedication of the church on Sunday morning October 30th, 2022. Bishop Naoum was accompanied by his wife, Mrs. Rafa Qafiti Naoum. Rev’d Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop’s Chaplain, and Rev’d Nael Abu Rahmoun participated in the service, which was also attended by vestry members, representatices of the ladies group and the youth group, parishioners, and pilgrims frim Germany and Canada. [...]

26 10, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the Joint Committee visit the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt.

2022-11-10T14:19:10+02:00October 26th, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare, Parishes, Society|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, accompanied by the Joint Committee visited the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt after their three day meeting sessions in Amman on Wednesday October 26th, 2022. They were welcomed by Rev’d Jamil Mounir Khadir, the Executive Director, the Heads of the departments, and some of the staff. After eating lunch with the students, Rev’d Khadir led the group on a tour of the departments of the institute; the Deaf-blind department, the Kindergarten, the School, the Knowledge department, and the Vocational Training department. Bishop Naoum [...]

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