22 12, 2022

رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني الانجليكاني في القدس يستقبل وفداً من مؤسّسة الأميرة بسمة في القدس لتقبّل تهاني العيد في دار المطرانية

2023-01-04T10:52:03+02:00December 22nd, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare|

إستقبل المطران حسام نعوم رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني في القدس ورئيس مجلس إدارة مؤسسة الأميرة بسمة وفداً من المؤسسة يرأسه السيدة فيوليت مبارك المديرة العامّة للمؤسسة والدكتور وضّاح ملحيس مدير مركز التأهيل والمربّية شرين سعيد مديرة المدرسة وممثلين عن الهيئة الإداريّة والتّدريسية والموظّفين، وذلك يوم الأربعاء 21/12/2022، حيث نقلوا لسيادة المطران نعوم تهاني العيد بالنّيابة عن كافّة أفراد أسرة الأميرة بسمة وتمنّياتهم القلبيّة للكنيسة ومؤسّساتها في كافة أقطار المطرانية. وبدوره قام المطران نعوم بتقديم كلمة الشكر لجميع العاملين في المؤسّسة على كلّ ما يقدّمونه من خدمة مميّزة لأبناء وبنات الوطن من تربية وتعليم وتأهيل، مؤكّداً كيف أصبحت هذه المؤسّسة منارة للعطاء [...]

13 12, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum launches the Christmas celebrations at the St. Luke’s Anglican Hospital in Nablus.

2022-12-23T12:25:15+02:00December 13th, 2022|Diocesan, Healthcare|

Arabic Article Follows Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem and the Chair of the Church Council of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem, announced the launching of the Christmas festivities at the St. Luke’s Anglican Hospital in Nablus today, December 13th, 2022. Dr. Walid Saba Kerry, the Rev’d Jamil M Khader and all the staff of the hospital were present at the lighting of the Christmas tree in the Hospital’s courtyard. Archbishop Naoum congratulated the Nation on Christmas, adding that although Christmas is one day, but love and friendship continues for all times, and shine in the sky of [...]

12 12, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum on a visit to Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza.

2022-12-23T10:31:42+02:00December 12th, 2022|Diocesan, Healthcare|

Arabic Article Follows As Christmas approaches, Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, made a visit to Al Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on Monday December 12th, 2022. Bishop Naoum was accompanied by Archbishop Linda Nicholls, the Primate of the Anglican Church in Canada, Bishop Susan Johnson, the National Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Canada, and Rav’d Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop Naoum’s Chaplain. Where there were welcomed by Ms. Sheila Tarazi, the Director of the Hospital, Dr. Maher Aied, the Medical Director of the Hospital, Ms. Samira Farah, and a group of the Hospital's staff. The [...]

7 12, 2022

Maronite Patriarch Cardinal Bechara al-Rahi on a visit to Salt- Jordan and meets Anglican Archbishop Hosam Naoum.

2022-12-20T10:27:48+02:00December 7th, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare|

Arabic Article Follows His Grace Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, welcomed his Beatitude Patriarch Bechara al-Rahi on a visit to the Good Shepherd Church and the Old English Hospital in the Old City in Salt on Tuesday December 6th 2022. Rev’d Jamil Mounir Khader, the Vicar of the parish and General Director of the HLID institute, Rev’d Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop’s Chaplain, Fr. Joseph Suweid, the Vicar of Mar Sharbeal Maronite Church in Amman, and Fr. Riad Hejazeen, the Vicar of the Catholic Church in Salt were also present. During the visit the group visited the [...]

6 12, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum receives the American Ambassador at the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf in Salt.

2022-12-20T09:01:59+02:00December 6th, 2022|Diocesan, Healthcare|

Arabic Article Follows Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, received Mr. Henry Wooster, the American Ambassador to the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan, and his wife Mrs. Laura Dallman, at the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt on Tuesday Morning December 6th, 2022. Rev’d Jamil Mounir Khader, the General Director of the Institute, Rev’d Canon Don Binder, the Archbishop’s Chaplain, Mr. Iyad Souais, the Administrative and Financial Assistant Director,and the heads of the departments were among the welcomes. Bishop Naoum welcomed His Excellency Ambassador Wooster, and thanked him for his interest in visiting HLID, which [...]

1 11, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum chairs a meeting for the General Assembly of the Princess Basma Institution in Jerusalem.

2022-11-11T10:47:00+02:00November 1st, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare, Society|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, chaired a meeting for the General Assembly of the Princess Basma Institution on the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem on Monday, October 31st, 2022. The meeting was attended by Mrs. Violette Mubarak, the General Director of the institution, and Dr. Waddah Mleihes, the Medical Director of the institution. Bishop Naoum welcomed the present members and gave each a chance to introduce themselves. He also thanked the general director and the staff of the institution for their hard work and dedication. Mrs. Mubarak led a tour of the Institution, [...]

31 10, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum welcomes a group from Paulinenpflege from Germany and signs an agreement with them.

2022-11-11T10:21:04+02:00October 31st, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare, Parishes, Society|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, welcomed a group from Paulinenpflege at the Diocesan Offices on Reformation day Monday October 31st, 2022. In the meeting Archbishop Hosam Naoum representing the Diocese and Rev’d Andreas Maurer, CEO of Paulinenpflege, representing Paulinenpflege signed an agreement. This agreement is about supporting the ministry of the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt, through a part time position for Mr. Selmar Ehmann, who will work along side Rev’d Jamil Mounir Khader, the General Director of the Institute in Salt, especially in reviving and advancing the [...]

26 10, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the Joint Committee visit the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt.

2022-11-10T14:19:10+02:00October 26th, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare, Parishes, Society|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, accompanied by the Joint Committee visited the Holy Land Institute for the Deaf and Deaf-blind in Salt after their three day meeting sessions in Amman on Wednesday October 26th, 2022. They were welcomed by Rev’d Jamil Mounir Khadir, the Executive Director, the Heads of the departments, and some of the staff. After eating lunch with the students, Rev’d Khadir led the group on a tour of the departments of the institute; the Deaf-blind department, the Kindergarten, the School, the Knowledge department, and the Vocational Training department. Bishop Naoum [...]

26 10, 2022

Archbishop Hosam Naoum convenes the Diocesan Joint Committee’s meetings in Amman for three days.

2022-10-28T11:32:33+03:00October 26th, 2022|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Education, Healthcare, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, convened the Diocesan Joint Committee’s meeting in Amman the capital of Jordan. The Joint Committee is composed of the Standing Committee, the Financial Committee, and the legal advisors, and was in session from Monday 24/10/22 until Wednesday 26/10/22. At the beginning of the meeting Archbishop Naoum gave a spiritual reflection, and the Committee joint together in Morning and Evening prayers everyday, and spent some time in singing hymns as well. Archbishop Naoum, the chair of the committee, presented his report which included his pastoral visits, confirmation services, visits [...]

5 07, 2022

Archbishop Naoum visits The Arab Ahli Hospital in Gaza.

2022-07-06T13:43:01+03:00July 5th, 2022|Diocesan, Healthcare|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Naoum visits The Arab Ahli Hospital in Gaza. Accompanied by Ms Rafa Qafiti Naoum, Dr. Hisham Nassar, the Archbishop’s Medical Advisor, and Ghassan Isaac, the Diocesan Chief Accountant Bishop Naoum visited the Anglican Hospital in Gaza and met with Ms Suhaila Tarazi, the general director, Dr Maher Ayyad, the Medical Director, and Samira Farah, the Administration Director, and later with the Employees Committee and other Gazan dignitaries. The Delegation had a a chance to meet with Ms Darin Tadrus, the manager of the Oncology Project which was signed by the Anglican and Lutheran Churches [...]

18 06, 2022

The Diocesan Synod, for the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem concludes its sessions for the Majma of 2022 in Amman, Jordan on Thursday 16/6/2022

2022-06-21T15:41:09+03:00June 18th, 2022|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Education, Healthcare, Interfaith, Parishes, Society|

ِِش Arabic Article Follows ↓ The Diocesan Synod for the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem continued its sessions held in Amman for its meetings in 2022, which is The First Synod in person under the leadership of Bishop Hosam Naoum, the Chair of the Synod , with a new and revised schedule. This new schedule did not only include reports and resolutions, but also included the following: First, from a spiritual perspective time was dedicated for worship. A Eucharist was held every morning, and an Evening Prayer every evening, they both included hymns, and meditations. Many clergy and lay people participated [...]

16 06, 2022

المجمع الكنسي لمطرانية القدس الأسقفية يبدأ يفتتح جلساته لدورة 2022 يوم الثلاثاء 14/6/2022

2022-06-21T14:40:49+03:00June 16th, 2022|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Education, Healthcare, Interfaith, Parishes, Society|

افتتح المجمع الكنسي دورته لعام 2022 وهي الدورة المائة والتاسعة منذ عام 1905 والخامسة والأربعون منذ عام 1976 تحت شعار "لِأَنَّ ٱللهَ لَمْ يُعْطِنَا رُوحَ ٱلْفَشَلِ، بَلْ رُوحَ ٱلْقُوَّةِ وَٱلْمَحَبَّةِ وَٱلنُّصْحِ". (2 تيموثاوس 7:1) صباح يوم الثلاثاء 14/6/2022، حيث ترأس رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني في القدس المطران حسام نعوم خدمة الشركة المقدسة كما وصادف الذكرى الثانية لسيامته الأسقفية، عاونه القس الكنن حاتم شحادة والقس الكنن دون بيندر وقاد الصلوات الشفاعية كلّ من القس مالكوم فورست والقس فارس نعوم وقدم العظة القس نائل أبو رحمون وعزف ترانيم القداس القس الكنن فؤاد داغر. وقبل بدء الجلسات رسمياً، وقف جميع الحضور احتراماً للسلام الملكي، [...]

15 06, 2022

رئيس الأساقفة حسام نعوم يترأس خدمة الشركة المقدسة الإحتفالية لافتتاح المجمع الكنسي في عمان يوم الإثنين 13/6/2022

2022-06-17T14:01:46+03:00June 15th, 2022|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Education, Healthcare, Interfaith, Parishes, Society|

ترأس رئيس الأساقفة الأنچليكاني في القدس المطران حسام نعوم خدمة الشركة المقدسة الاحتفالية بمناسبة افتتاح المجمع الكنسي لمطرانية القدس الأسقفية في كنيسة الفادي على جبل عمان، بمشاركة كهنة المطرانية من جميع اقطارها الخمسة، وبحضور المطران ابراهيم عازر أسقف الكنيسة اللوثرية في الأردن والأرض المقدسة والمطران جمال خضر دعيبس النائب البطريركي للاتين في الأردن وأعضاء المجمع الكنسي ومدراء المؤسّسات وأبناء رعية كنيسة الفادي. رحّب القس جورج القبطي بالمطران نعوم وجميع الحضور نيابةً عن راعي الكنيسة القس الكنن فائق حداد الذي تعذّر حضوره لأسباب صحيّة. قدّم رئيس الأساقفة نعوم عظته الروحية متحدّثاً عن عمل الروح القدس في الكنيسة، فالروح يجمع ولا يفرّق، [...]

25 03, 2022

The visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the delegation to Saint Luke’s Center in Beit Meri/ Lebanon

2022-04-22T09:44:33+03:00March 25th, 2022|Diocesan, Education, Healthcare, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ The visit of the Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby and Archbishop Hosam Naoum and the delegation to Saint Luke’s Center in Beit Meri/ Lebanon, and the meeting of the staff and students. Thanks to Archdeacon Imad Zoroub, Ms Micheline Jebriel and Ms Hind Zoroub for their wonderful ministry and gracious hospitality. زيارة رئيس أساقفة كانتربري جاستن ويلبي ورئيس الأساقفة حسام نعوم والوفد المرافق الى مركز القديس لوقا في بيت ميري/ لبنان واللقاء مع طاقم وطلاب المدرسة وعلى رأسهم الارشديكون عماد زعرب والسيدة ميشلين جبرائيل والسيدة هند زعرب والشكر لهم لحسن الاستقبال والضيافة

10 01, 2022

The Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza and the Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem sign a Memorandum of Cooperation.

2022-02-04T09:32:06+02:00January 10th, 2022|Diocesan, Healthcare|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, and Ms. Sieglinde Weinbrenner, the Representative of the Lutheran World Federation (LWF) Jerusalem Program, signed a caner treatment Memorandum of Cooperation between the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem’s Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza, and the LWF's Augusta Victoria Hospital in Jerusalem, in the presence of Bishop Sani Ibrahim Azar, the Bishop of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Jordan and the Holy Land. Bishop Naoum thanked all who participated in drafting the memorandum and praised the joint efforts between the staff from the Diocesan Office, the Ahli Hospital, the Augusta [...]

3 12, 2021

2021-12-06T12:26:00+02:00December 3rd, 2021|Diocesan, Healthcare, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam commences his official and pastoral visit to Lebanon Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, arrived at Beirut the capital of Lebanon, on his first official and pastoral visit after his installation. He is accompanied by Mrs. Rafa Naoum, his wife, the Rev’d Canon Don Binder, his Chaplain, and the Rev’d Canon Fuad Dagher, on Thursday morning December 2nd, 2021. He began his program by visiting the St. Luke Center in Beirut. Where he was welcomed by Archdeacon Imad Zorob, the rector of All Saints Church Beirut and the General Manager of the [...]

11 11, 2021

The Diocese of Jerusalem concludes its Diocesan Synod (Majma) for the year 2021 on Wednesday 10/ 11/ 2021.

2021-11-12T10:17:42+02:00November 11th, 2021|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Education, Healthcare, Interfaith, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, presided over the Diocesan Synod (Majma) of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem for the year 2021. Which was held via Zoom from the morning of Monday November 8th, until the evening of Wednesday November 10th, 2021. The theme for the Majma this year was “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10.10b).” The Majma included morning and evening prayers, hymns, meditations, Archbishop Hosam Naoum’s spiritual, pastoral, and administrative reports, the Majma' Secretary’s report, and the approval of the minutes of meeting of the [...]

9 11, 2021

The Diocese of Jerusalem commenced its Diocesan Synod (Majma) via Zoom.

2021-11-10T09:14:49+02:00November 9th, 2021|Diocesan, Ecumenical, Education, Healthcare, Interfaith, Parishes|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, opened the sessions of the Diocesan Majma of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem for the year 2021 via Zoom on Monday November 8th, 2021. The theme for the Majma this year is “I came that they may have life, and have it abundantly. (John 10.10b)” At the beginning Archbishop Hosam welcomed all those in attendance, clergy, laity, and heads of institutions. Then Rev’d Wadie Far led the morning prayer, accompanied by Rev'd Deacon Jamil Maher Khader. At the end of the morning prayer Archdeacon Imad Zorob gave a [...]

4 11, 2021

Archbishop Hosam Naoum visits the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza.

2021-11-05T11:46:24+02:00November 4th, 2021|Diocesan, Healthcare, Society|

Arabic Article Follows ↓ Archbishop Hosam Naoum, the Anglican Archbishop in Jerusalem, visited the Ahli Arab Hospital in Gaza on Thursday November 4th, 2021. There to welcome him were Ms. Suhaila Tarazi, the Director of the hospital, Dr. Maher Ayyad, the Medical Director of the hospital, the administrative staff, doctors, nurses, and a delegation from the staff of the hospital. In his greeting words, Bishop Naoum conveyed to them warm greeting from Jerusalem, and expressed how happy he is to visit. He said: “for us Gaza is a source of hope, steadfastness, and giving, and the Ahli Arab Hospital [...]

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